
Our passionate chiropractors are all about providing treatment to help get you back to full fitness & optimum health
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Treatment description

Often people treat the symptoms rather than the cause. A Chiropractor can help you find out what is really causing the problem and come up with a treatment plan tailored specifically to you to help your body get back on track… quickly. Making chiropractic care a great natural approach to dealing with your body's aches, pains and ailments.

Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between your spine and nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, and nerves exiting the spine) and how that relationship affects the restoration and preservation of health and well-being.

Chiropractic examination may include observation of the following in order to analyze the condition of your spine and nervous system to see how it functions and locate any problem areas.

 What can this service help you with?

  • Posture, the range of motion and gait palpation (feeling of joint movement, muscle and soft tissue tensions)

  • Standard orthopedic and neurological tests

  • Any further tests or imaging may be indicated (eg. x-rays, thermography, sEMG, MRI).


Margie Blacklow

Margie completed a five-year Chiropractic degree in Melbourne in 1989 and initially practiced in Perth, Western Australia. It was during this time her passion for working with sports teams was established and Margie found herself as a chiropractor for local and provincial cricket, rugby, and ice hockey teams.

Margie returned to New Zealand in 1994 and completed her Masters and Post Graduate Sports Science Diploma, creating a more solid foundation for her interest in maximizing the potential of the athlete.

Since then she has worked with many local and elite level athletes with attendance at the Olympics being a highlight.

Margie enjoys being part of a multi-disciplinary team which she believes is crucial to facilitate the optimal performance of the athlete.

Book an appointment with Margie
Chris Cannon

Chris is a Christchurch Based Chiropractor who is originally from Napier, Hawkes Bay, where he spent his youth consumed with sports and education. He went on to complete a five-year Chiropractic degree in 2009.

He spent a further couple of years working in Auckland, then went on to work in Ireland and the UK. Back in NZ since 2014 and loves the collaborative approach here at Sports Clinic.

Chris treats a wide variety of conditions causing musculoskeletal or limb pain and has a keen interest in treating people with headaches.  He has years of experience in working with back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as providing athletes with optimal performance and gains.

He enjoys working as part of a team and feels that the multidisciplinary approach at Sports Clinic is the way ahead.

Book an appointment with Chris
Charlotte Helms


Charlotte is a graduate of the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, having completed her first year of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Auckland. 

During her internship, Charlotte focused on spinal disorders, including neck pain, back pain, and headaches, and is passionate about looking at the whole picture to get to the root of the cause. She enjoyed working with a diverse range of individuals, from children to athletes to the elderly, and encountered a wide variety of conditions, from acute to chronic injuries. Charlotte integrates factors such as posture, lifestyle, and biomechanics to help tailor her approach to each individual and get them returning to the activities they love.

Born and raised in Christchurch, Charlotte is thrilled to be back in her hometown. In her free time, you’ll find her at the beach, spending time with friends, or in Diamond Harbour, where she enjoys kayaking, walking, and water skiing.

Book an appointment with Charlotte
Vivienne Prince

Vivienne comes to Sports Clinic with over 16 years of experience in Chiropractic, preferring to focus on the spine, pelvis and neck, but not ignoring the extremities and other areas of the musculoskeletal system. So often common symptoms of Back pain, Neck pain and Headaches can be alleviated relatively quickly and healing facilitated to begin.

Having sustained her fair share of injuries, Vivienne can empathize with patients. And you certainly don’t have to be ‘sporty’ to come and see her. She sees one of the great advantages of Sports Clinic is the interaction and referral capabilities with the expert clinicians within the clinic if a problem is complex.

Vivienne trained for 5 years at RMIT University in Melbourne and worked in Australia for 2 years gaining valuable experience before returning to Christchurch, working mainly at Northlands Healthcare and various locum positions. She also has a Diploma in Therapeutic Massage and Neuromuscular therapy.

She can often be seen cruising the Port Hills and way beyond on her mountain bike or climbing the hills and mountains with a map in hand competing in orienteering or a World Champs Rogaine in some exciting part of the world. Adventure races still lure her away sometimes, or occasionally she can be located in the garden or found spending time with the grandkids.

Book an appointment with Vivienne
Sarah Nelson

Sarah has over 20 years of  knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of neck pain, back pain and headaches. She is well respected in these areas and has undertaken many postgraduate studies to complement her practical skills. 

Sarah understands the role that poor posture and ergonomics have on causing persistent pain and has extensive knowledge in the best approach and exercises to improve both posture and function.

Sarah began her career in Melbourne, Australia in 2001, after completing a 5 year University degree in Health Science and Chiropractic. She later worked in a number of clinics in Hamilton, Waikato focusing on both acute and chronic injuries. 

Everyone is different, and it is important to Sarah that treatment is individually determined based on the client's age and their symptoms.

Sarah appreciates the opportunity provided at Sports Clinic to integrate chiropractic with other health disciplines.

Book an appointment with Sarah

Our difference

Why choose sports clinic

Our chiropractors have vast experience working with general and sports-specific patients.

Chiropractor Open 6 Days - Monday to Saturday: We are open Monday through Saturday and have late nights Monday through Thursday until 7:00pm. That means you can get a Saturday Chiropractic Appointment on the weekend.

ACC Chiropractic: You can get ACC chiropractic appointments and don’t need a get a referral, this means you can come straight in to see us and request an appointment.

What to expect at your appointment

  • Discovery: First we take a case history to learn more about you, your injury and your lifestyle.

  • Physical Examination: Then a detailed examination to find the route cause of your symptoms determines the best treatment course.

  • Treatment Plan: We decide and advise if any tests are needed. Then in consultation with you, we decide on the best course of treatment and what type of care is going to be the best course of action. We can refer you to other specialists in-house to ensure you get the highest quality of care.

Frequently asked questions

What do I wear during my appointment?
How do I know if it is right for me?
Is treatment covered by ACC?
How long are the appointments?

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